Book Dispensing Machine at APSN Delta Senior School Integrates Technology to Spark Reading Interest Amongst Students
In February 2021, a book dispensing machine was purchased and installed at APSN Delta Senior School (DSS). This initiative has allowed APSN DSS’s students easier access to new reading materials, while also reinforcing the value of reading in a fun and positive way. The innovative setup also creates an opportunity for students to acquire basic skills in using the QR code to loan and return books via the book drop in a safe and supportive learning environment.
In addition, the school utilises this new technology to enhance the current library loaning services and resources. The machine is able to hold at least 160 books in full capacity.
Each student is allocated an unique QR code that will allow him or her access to the book redemption at the machine. During the initial months after installation, our literacy teachers held sessions to guide students through the procedures to borrow and return books from the dispensing machine.
We are glad that the book dispensing machine has helped many students pursue their interest in reading amid the current situation, where public libraries have been closed temporarily due to safety measures. The current COVID-19 pandemic has increased our dependency on digitalisation to adapt to the new norm. The book dispensing machine has been very well-received and the DSS Literacy Department will continue to work closely to shortlist interesting reads for our students.