APSN is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that caters to the needs of all students/trainees, including those with special needs. We recognise the significance of integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into our operations and educational practices.
1. Board Composition:
We strive to have a Board made up of individuals with the right mix of skills, backgrounds, and attributes to prepare APSN for future challenges. This diverse composition provides a broader range of viewpoints, leading to a fuller understanding of choices and their impact on the diverse communities APSN serve. It also minimizes the risk of strategic blind spots, enabling sharper identification of opportunities and more effective risk mitigation.
2. Transparency:
We maintain transparency in our operations by providing regular updates to parents, staff, and other stakeholders about our ESG initiatives.
3. Accountability:
We are committed to maintaining high standards of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance. To achieve this, we hold ourselves accountable by regularly reviewing and updating our policies. This ongoing process ensures that our policies remain effective, relevant, and aligned with current best practices. By doing so, we demonstrate our dedication to continuous improvement and responsible governance.
4. Ethical Conduct:
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our activities. This includes ensuring fairness and integrity in our dealings with students, staff, parents, and the wider community.
5. Risk Management:
We integrate ESG considerations into our risk management processes. This includes identifying and assessing potential ESG risks and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies.
6. Legal Compliance:
We comply with all relevant legal and other requirements related to ESG issues.