APSN Teachers Going Above the Call of Duty: Parent
Every school day during Circuit Breaker, Dr Viji Kasiram woke her son Kaushik up at 7am. The health IT professional then assisted the Secondary 4 student from APSN Tanglin School (TS) for the next half a day, while she worked from home.
Lessons and assignments started to stream in at 8am. First, was vocational guidance. Then, numeracy and literacy until 10am. There were also exercise videos and stories to be read aloud every day. Assignments for numeracy and literacy had to be submitted by 11am, the rest could be done at one’s own pace.
“All the teachers worked extremely hard because there were so many videos, assignments, exercises and stories for Kaushik to look at and do. I feel that they worked even harder than usual, going above the call of duty. Class teacher Ms Mardiana Mohamed Ithnin and Ms Tan Si Hua, the teacher aide, checked in with me more than once through live calls,” says Dr Viji. “They guided my son through difficult assignments and asked us if we were facing any difficulties.”
She adds that she could not individually name all the teachers who created all the learning materials, but she was very thankful to all of them. She also highlighted that she was so grateful to Principal Mrs Liza Ow who has been very supportive and really invested in the children’s learning all this while.
“APSN teachers’ support with my son made my Work from Home experience that much more manageable,” she concludes.