APSN Tanglin School
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School-Home-Community Partnership
Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)
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APSN Tanglin School Open House 2024
About Us @ APSN Tanglin School
Date: 21 September 2024, Saturday
Time: 8.30am to 11.45am
Register via email at ts@apsn.org.sg by Friday, 6 September 2024.
Attention: Ms Lu
APSN Tanglin School Open House 2023
On 23rd August 2023, APSN Tanglin School opened its doors with a warm and enthusiastic welcome for parents, caregivers, and students during its Open House event. The day was filled with excitement and provided invaluable insights into the vibrant school community.
Visitors were treated to a unique opportunity to explore curriculum exhibits prepared by various departments, featuring engaging hands-on activities that showcased the school’s commitment to experiential learning. The event also highlighted the diverse range of Co-Curricular Activities (CCA), which was concluded with performances delivered by the talented Performing Arts CCA groups – TS LaTeens and the Unsung Silat Warriors.
It was a day filled with exploration, discovery, and artistic inspiration. APSN Tanglin School was thrilled to share our innovations with all who attended the event, fostering a strong connection with the community and the enthusiasm for learning.
Tanglin Parents Workshop
On 8 September 2023, APSN Tanglin School organized the Vocational Education (VE) and Healthy and Safe Relationships (HSR) workshops for parents that aimed to create opportunities for parent-child bonding through eco-friendly activities and to provide tips for parents to communicate more effectively with their child on sexual development and safe relationships. One segment of the workshops consisted of making eco-enzymes, iced chocolate and coffee grounds body scrub. Through the activities, parents and students learnt how to contribute to a sustainable and green community. Another segment of the workshops was a talk on the importance of sexuality conversations. Parents were equipped with skills to enhance communication with their child on sexuality matters. We are grateful for the contributions from our community partners, and the invaluable support of the parents in providing meaningful and engaging learning experiences for our students.
Synergizing Talent
TS Artistry is an inclusive arts event to showcase the gifts and talents of students, teachers, parents and community partners. Themed Synergizing Talents, the artistic talents of our students were celebrated through a buffet of interactive art displays and inspiring performing art items. Students also participated in a series of Pre-Artistry workshops where they acquired new skills and worked alongside their peers to create different artefacts or choreograph a variety of performances. We would like to express our appreciation to DHL Express Singapore and the staff from DHL West Service Centre for hosting our teachers and students to be part of the aluminium tooling and clay workshops. Special mention to Faith Music Centre for preparing our students to put up a band ensemble during the concert segment. TS Artistry has provided our students another avenue to ignite their creativity through the various art activities and to raise greater awareness on how the arts is able to contribute to an inclusive society.
TS Teachers’ Day Celebration
“A Teacher Takes a Hand, Opens a Mind and Touches a Heart”
APSN Tanglin School commemorated the hard work of all its educators with an amazing Teachers’ Day Celebration. It was a fun-filled day with heart-warming performances by our students and a member of the Parent-Support Group sang a beautiful rendition of songs. The performance by Jay from Circus in Motion, was a hit where he showcased his mind-blowing circus-art routine and his signature crystal ball act was an amazing beauty. The well-wishes from the students signified their appreciation and love for their teachers, while everyone had a day well remembered. For this special occasion, we salute our educators for their invaluable contributions and dedication as they continue to light the students’ path to success.
Echoing Green Carnival
The Choose, Think and Grow Green programme is a school-wide initiative at APSN Tanglin School with the primary purpose of engaging our students in activities that increase their awareness of climate change and its impact on the environment. Throughout the whole process that began with the planning to the actual carnival on 17 August 2023, students were actively transforming materials, such as cardboard, empty cans and bottles collected around the school premises and from their homes, into works of art to decorate their class banners, game booths and stalls. Pre-loved items were on display during the carnival. The elements of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle have imbued in our students the value of building a more sustainable living environment. It was truly a purposeful and meaningful Echoing Green Carnival for all students, teachers, staff and volunteers as we strive to advance the national agenda on its sustainable development.
National Day Celebration
Tanglin School had a blast celebrating our nation’s 58th birthday with volunteers from Celanese Singapore Pte Ltd! The marching contingent comprising upper secondary CCA representatives, led by Secondary 4 student Nishaan Naidu, marked the start of the Observance Ceremony in remembrance of Singapore’s independence and nationhood. Students then contributed to a collage made up of beloved Singapore icons. There were also surprise performances from Tanglin School’s Fusionz Dance troupe and precision drills by Bukit Merah Secondary School! The celebration ended on a high as students were delighted to receive tote bags, generously sponsored by Celanese, which were printed with designs selected from an array of student entries submitted for our National Day Tote Bag Design Competition in the weeks leading up to National Day! Happy 58th birthday, Singapore!
Racial Harmony Day
On 21 July 2023, APSN Tanglin School celebrated Racial Harmony Day. Students adorned in colourful ethnic attire, had lessons to reflect on how to maintain racial and religious harmony in our multicultural and multi-ethnic society. There was also a pre-event gallery of art works, created by different students that showcased the significance of celebrating racial harmony. The students and teachers had a fun and enjoyable day, posing for photographs and sharing the message that everyone has a part to play in maintaining the peace and harmony of our nation.
Play Fiesta 2023
Members from the Physical Education and Information & Communication Technology departments collaborated to organize Play Fiesta on 27 May 2023 at APSN Tanglin School. Student-volunteers from Bukit Merah Secondary School and Raffles Girls’ School as well as friends from KPMG Singapore provided their invaluable assistance to ensure that every participant had a meaningful experience. There was a variety of carnival activities, where students were able to spend quality time with their parents and caregivers together as a family. Play Fiesta will be fondly remembered as a day of bonding and interaction amidst the excitement, laughter and learning without tears. What a great way to end the semester!
Towards an Inclusive Society
Students from APSN Tanglin School partnered with students from New Town Secondary School over 2 days of inclusivity events. On Day 1, our students interacted over games with students from New Town Secondary School. On Day 2, both groups of students visited Jamiyah Nursing Home (Darul Syifaa), bringing joy and laughter to the senior residents. The activities included chair exercises, pass-the-parcel game, singing Chan Mali Chan and other evergreen songs. The partnership between the 2 schools has fostered new friendships as they contributed meaningfully towards the well-being of the senior residents. Kudos to all who came together to empower lives for an active and inclusive society.
Gear Up! Let’s Get DigiFIT 2022
APSN Tanglin School innovatively incorporated technology to promote fitness and physical activities amongst the students. During the last few weeks of Semester 1, students were engaged in a variety of motion-based fitness activities with the use of interactive technology such as the Ring Fit Adventure on the Nintendo Switch and an IOS application called Active Arcade. Students displayed excellent sportsmanship and demonstrated the values of resilience and respect for one another as they gear up and become digitally fit.
Towards an Inclusive Society
Students from APSN Tanglin School partnered with students from New Town Secondary School over 2 days of inclusivity events. On Day 1, our students interacted over games with students from New Town Secondary School. On Day 2, both groups of students visited Jamiyah Nursing Home (Darul Syifaa), bringing joy and laughter to the senior residents. The activities included chair exercises, pass-the-parcel game, singing Chan Mali Chan and other evergreen songs. The partnership between the 2 schools has fostered new friendships as they contributed meaningfully towards the well-being of the senior residents. Kudos to all who came together to empower lives for an active and inclusive society.
aMATHzing Championship 2022
aMATHzing Championship 2022 was held at APSN Tanglin School on 18 May 2022. The event has provided students the opportunities to apply concepts learnt during Numeracy lessons in an authentic and engaging way as well as to generalise Numeracy concepts learnt across different settings. Themed Numeracy Experiential Day 2022: Grand Prix F1 Championship @ TS, students competed in the different activities across their level. This is an authentic learning approach in education that enables students to explore, discuss and meaningfully construct concepts and relationships in contexts that involve real-world situations that are relevant to them.
APSN Tanglin School Multimedia Club 3D Project 2022
The Design Thinking approach empowers students at APSN Tanglin School (TS) to realize their innovative ideas into reality. A combination of divergent and convergent thinking has enabled our students to think out of the box to problem-solve creatively with confidence and resilience. Students from TS Multimedia Club incorporated design thinking with 3D technology to transform empty filament spools into clocks that will be used in all classrooms including the Principal’s office.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Topics taught in Semester 2
Click here to view the infographic by level : SEL-Topics-2023-Sem-2.pdf
ICT Digital Digest Edition 2
Click here to view Edition #2 ICT Digital Digest (Tips for Protecting your Child from Scams)
第2版 ICT Digital Digest (网络安全)
Click here to view 第2版-ICT-Digital-Digest-网络安全-保护您的孩子免遭诈骗的小贴士
ICT Digital Digest Edition 1
Click here to view ICT Digital Digest Edition 1 (Tips for Building Healthy Screen Time Habits)
Parent Kit on Cyber Wellness for Your Child
Click here to view Parent Kit on Cyber Wellness for Your Child
Parent Handbook on Learning with a Personal Learning Device
Click here to view Parent Handbook on Learning with a Personal Learning Device
Letter to Parent
Click here to view 2024 Term 1 Letter to Parent
Click here to view APSN Tanglin School Curriculum Content 2024
March 2025
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Saturday March 1
Sunday March 2
Monday March 3
Tuesday March 4
Wednesday March 5
Thursday March 6
Friday March 7
Saturday March 8
Sunday March 9
Monday March 10
Tuesday March 11
Wednesday March 12
Thursday March 13
Friday March 14
Saturday March 15
Sunday March 16
Monday March 17
Tuesday March 18
Wednesday March 19
Thursday March 20
Friday March 21
Saturday March 22
Sunday March 23
Monday March 24
Tuesday March 25
Wednesday March 26
Thursday March 27
Friday March 28
Saturday March 29
Sunday March 30
Monday March 31
No additional events this month.
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Community in Bloom Awards 2023 – Top 50 Community in Bloom Garden (Educational Institutions)
Lee Kuan Yew Exemplary Student Award – Aedan Wan
Recipient of Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards (Promising Award) – Hay Qing Hui
Community in Bloom Ambassador Award – Hay Qing Hui
Community in Bloom (CIB) Singapore Gardeners’ Cup Gold Awards 2022
Lee Kuan Yew Exemplary Student Awards – Sofiyyah Wafiqah Binte Mahmood
Play Inclusive (Football) – 2 silver, 2 bronze medals
Play Inclusive (Floorball) – 2 gold, 2 silver medals
Play Inclusive (Badminton) – 1 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze medals
Recipient of Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards (Promising Award) – Megan Tang Su-Ann
Recipient of Lee Kuan Yew Exemplary Student Award – Ng Yi Gui
Recipient of MOE Masters Scholarship in Special Education – Ms Araxes Ang
Recipient of Listening Educator for Advancement and Progress (LEAP) Award – Miss Aznita Bte Md Amin
Community in Bloom (CIB) Awards 2021
- Diamond Award
- Outstanding Educational Community Garden Award
- Platinum Banding (Educational Institution)
2016 to 2020
National Youth Achievement Awards – 9 Silver and 10 Bronze awards
Lee Kuan Yew Exemplary Student Award – Fizzy Ezlyana Bte Md Begam
Recipient of MOE Masters Scholarship in Special Education – Mr Kenneth Lai
Research & Case Studies
- Seeing & Listening: A fusion of art and music education by Ms Karen Zainal and Ms Rena Ng
- Cyber Wellness Adventure Virtual Reality Game by ICT Department
- My AI Buddy (MAIB) by Allied Professional Department
- Lesson Study: Much Ado about Nothing? by Ms Mardiana, Ms Karen Zainal and Ms Araxes Ang
- Growing a community of artists in changing times: Re-imagining art education for students with special needs by Ms Karen Zainal
A sample of the expressive language performance of 7 to 21 years old APSN students (with and without co-morbid Autism Spectrum Disorder) on the Singapore English Action Picture Test by Ms Elizabeth Mui/TS and Ms Wendy Yeo/DSS
School Green Award – Yellow FlameNational Youth Achievement Awards – 10 Bronze and 1 Silver Awards
Lee Kuan Yew Exemplary Student Awards – Ahmad Mudzafar Bin Mazli
Star Raft Award from Seisa University Yokohama – Enabling Students with Intellectual Disability to Express, Enrich and Empower with Music Technology
Play Inclusive (Football) – 2 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze medals
Play Inclusive (Floorball) – 1 gold, 2 silver medals
Play Inclusive (Badminton) – 1 gold, 1 silver medals
SDSC 47th National Athletics Championships – 2 gold, 1 silver medals
National School Games Track & Field Championship – 2 gold, 1 silver medals
SDSC Haw Par Youth Para Swimming Championships 2019 – 7 gold, 6 silver, 4 bronze medals
Special Olympics Singapore Swimming Competition 2019 – 6 gold, 3 silver, 2 bronze medals
Outstanding SPED Teacher Commendation Award – Ms Mardiana Binte Mohamed Ithnin
MOE SPED Master Scholarship Recipient – Mr Kenneth Lai Chen-Ning
MOE-NCSS Innovation Commendation Award – Make Learning Real with Augmented Reality
Community in Bloom Ambassador Award – Mr Andy Ang Hock Seng
Lee Kuan Yew Exemplary Student Awards – Lim Wen Faye, Tammy
Haw Par National Youth Para Swimming Championships 2018 – 8 golds, 8 silvers and 2 bronzes
SG National Games 2018
• Swimming – 3 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals
• Athletics – 800m: 1 silver and 1 bronze medals; 400m: 1 gold and 1 bronze medals
Lee Kuan Yew Exemplary Student Awards – Muhammad Raziq Bin Azran
Singapore Book of Records – The Most Number of People Doing Aluminium Tooling
Listening Educator for Advancement and Progress Award (LEAP Award) – Mr Andy Ang Hock Seng
2011 to 2015
Star Raft Awards – Transforming Passive Learners to Active Creators with 3D Technology
Outstanding SPED Teacher Awards (OSTA) – Mrs Fanny Ong
Outstanding SPED Teacher Awards (OSTA) – Mdm Asmah Abdul Khamid
Outstanding SPED Teacher Awards (OSTA) – Ms Wong Wai Sian
2007 to 2010
Futsal Challenge – Overall Champion (Boys under 17) Inaugural
SPED Schools Swimming Championship – Overall Champion
Outstanding SPED Teacher Awards (OSTA) – Ms Azlia Irny Amin Iskak & Ms Jeyashini Kanagarajah
Outstanding SPED Teacher Commendation Award – Ms Ho Lai Mern
MOE – NCSS Innovation Award: Tanglin Business Entrepreneurship Project
MOE – NCSS Outstanding SPED Teacher Award: Ms Linda Tan
Star Raft Award from Asian Resource Centre, Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities: Illustrate Your Imagination (A Digital Literacy Programme)
National Youth Achievement Award – Bronze
Singapore Soccer Challenge – ‘A’ Division Overall Champion
Microsoft Realizing Potential Charity Futsal – Champion (Junior)
Microsoft Realizing Potential Charity Futsal – Water Soccer Champion
SAFRACS Mini Futsal Competition – Champion and 2nd Runner-up
Phone | +65 6475 1511 |
Fax | +65 6472 0408 |
ts@apsn.org.sg | |
Principal | Mr Phua Huat Chuan |
Address | 143 Alexandra Road Singapore 159924 |